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Danielle Berenguer

Dream Machine: Setting Up A Playful Interactive Painting

 11ft x 8ft x 9ft, mixed media, 2021



           Danielle Berenguer’s thesis explores technological affordances to provide an experience of playability and interactivity to a traditional art form, Painting. The artist used the body as a site of play, utilizing specialized motion sensors that translate each motion of the participants’ movement to a robot that functions to stroke paint onto the canvas.  From the artist being inspired by her own experiences in lucid dreaming, the thesis attempts to simulate the similarity of the effects of one’s playful body to make its own creation.

            The robots are designed to not be equated to the movement of the participant and are intended to take over the setting, causing random activity that the artist and participant cannot provide. Additionally, the canvases are positioned differently allowing the participant to achieve not only different results but to have unique experiences with the setting. This calls to examine the participants’ journey on learning to take control of the given state wherein the conditions set are not predicted. It focuses on the exploration of the participants' play and simultaneously documents every choice they make to create their own experiences and their own painting.

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